Wednesday 5 June 2024

Adventures in Orchidaceae pt 11 .. big lizards walk the land once more ..

Another day of orchid hunting and another Big Day Out given the quality of species encountered!
Pyramidal Orchid
(Anacamptis pyramidalis)

Bee Orchid
(Ophrys apifera)

Lizard Orchid
(Himantoglossum hircinum)

Common Spotted-orchid
(Dactylorhiza fuchsii)

Field Cow-wheat
(Melampyrum arvense)

Ivy Broomrape (Orabanche hederae)

Bee Orchid

Common Twayblade
(Neotiia ovata)

Greater Butterfly Orchid
(Plantantera chlorantha)

Chalk Fragrant Orchid
(Gymnadenia conopsea)

Common Spotted-Orchid
author's back garden

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