This is a bird, that I have missed out on several times over the years, primarily because I have never managed to get up early enough to see one. Some years back, on a whale watching trip with Orca Trust (Portsmouth - Santander return), I was advised that you needed to be up for dawn, as the Sabine's Gulls would be around the ship early doors but then disappear. Both mornings I was late for dawn and missed the Sabs.
Sea-watching from Lizard Point, I have arrived on a couple of occasions - late to the party - only to be informed that "you've just missed a Sab's go through!".
This individual bird has been around for a few weeks now, but I haven't had the opportunity to visit - so this morning I was more than keen to get down to Southwater Lane and head for the breach in the sea-wall.
As I neared the breach - I could see a couple of birders with scope's pointing inland over the managed retreat, they looked very animated, I was relieved as this obviously meant that I had finally got up early enough!
The gull was initially quite distant on the mudflats, but over the course of half an hour, moved close enough for me to get good views and that all important "record shot".
Sabine's Gull, Hampshire, February 2023 |
Off-shore Long-tailed Duck, Black-necked Grebe, and Goldeneye; along with a fly-past Marsh Harrier gave added value.