An unexpectedly quiet week for migrants - both birds and moths - a calm week, with much sunshine and the slightest of wind. We were caught out. I had not even brought a pair of shorts or a sun hat with me, having packed mainly winter items - intended to keep me warm whilst sea-watching at the Point. However, sea-watching was all but pointless, so I did not risk a sore neck for little or no return.
The most intriguing vis-mig was a large flock of Jay that appeared on Saturday morning - comprising 30 or so birds moving around the village, and causing quite a stir with the local Jackdaw population - whom proceeded to mob them repeatedly. I have only seen Jays as singles or pairs in or around woodland - and not as large groups resolutely flying in a single direction. It was quite the spectacle.
As the week progressed smaller groups of Jay, were regularly encountered, and it seemed that each time they hit the coastline they faltered - before turning back inland - as if they did not quite have the confidence to head south to the continent.
Jay - one of a flock of Ca. 30 |
This year, I only borrowed one MV light trap from T the landlord of Barnside Cottage, and when we arrived at the cottage after dark on the Friday night - the trap was already set up and turned on in the front garden.
I ran the trap each night and ensured that I released the contents the following evening, at dusk some way away from the garden and into tussocky grass, in the hope of reducing predation and re-traps of the same moths.
Friday night's trap contained a Bloxworth snout, which flushed from the trap but landed in the hedge close by and allowed a "record shot" to be made. It was my first sighting of a Bloxworth and an auspicious start to the week's trapping.
Bloxworth snout |
A single Large ranunculus, stood out from the dozen Feathered ranunculus which were also present. The rest of the catch comprising: Lunar underwing (28); Light brown apple moth (2) - and singles of Red-line quaker, Silver Y, Common marbled carpet, and Rusty dot pearl.
Large ranunculus |
Saturday night's trap also included a single Large ranunculus, along with feathered ranunculus (4) and Lunar underwing (36). A splendid Frosted orange, and a couple of Angle shades added additional interest. Although one of the Angle shades came to grief when it flew from the trap, landing on the garden path and being instantly snapped up by an opportunistic Robin.
Frosted orange |
Three Common marbled carpet were the only other multi-catch specie overnight. Singles of Black rustic, Large yellow underwing, Rusty dot pearl, Silver Y, Snout, Setaceous Hebrew character, and Eudonia angustea made up the rest of the haul.
On Sunday morning, the back garden of Barnside, attracted two chiffchaff, and a couple of Mistle thrush who flew through - the latter of whom I was advised was a good record for the Lizard. Sunday's vis-mig on the short morning walk added two goldcrest and a male Blackcap to the list - both species watched as they foraged through the Tamarisk at Pistil.
An overly confiding Turtle dove, allowed us views down to Ca. 3m - oblivious to our gaze, as it fed on a muddy field margin just north of the Lizard lighthouse. It was glorious to see the dove at such close range, and have the opportunity to get some frame-filling photographs.
A and I dipped on the cattle egret which was in with the sheep in the pasture below the playing fields. A wheatear at Housel, was the first of my year, having completely failed to see any on spring passage.
Later in the day, we picked through T's LED and Black-light moth trap, run over the Saturday night at Pen Cairn. The trap held singles of Green-brindled crescent and Rosy rustic, amongst the others.
Rosy rustic |
Green brindled crescent |
Although only 9 species were present in T's trap - there were 129 moths - and perhaps unsurprisingly 96 of those were Lunar underwing?
Sunday's moth trapping at Barnside Cottage produced Large wainscot (1), Angle shades (1), Lunar underwng (16), Feathered ranunuculus (3), Red-line quaker (1), Rusty-dot pearl (1), Large yellow underwing (1), Common marbled carpet (2), Setaceous Hebrew character (1).
Large wainscot