Apologies for the poor digi-scoped record shot of the Titchfield Haven bittern (Botaurus stellaris) which has been giving very good value from the Meadow Hide over the last month or so.
Finally caught up with the bird today and although it was not as close to the hide as hoped, it did give extended and stunning views over the hour and a half that we watched.
Other Haven highlights included sev. singing chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita), a single swallow (Hirundo rustica), 6(8) sand martin (Riparia riparia) and 3(4) mediterranean gull (Larus melanocephalus) in full sum. plum. amongst the screaming hordes of BH gull (Larus ridibundus) which provide the dominant soundscape to the scrapes at this time of year.
Whilst watching the bittern received a text which simply said "woodchat still church cove.." so returned home and immediately checked out: